Dignity Taxi

Fare Equity

Full service taxi at regular prices. That's what Dignity provides. At Dignity Taxi we believe that everyone should pay the same. And, that's exactly what we do.

The fanciest cars

Dignity Taxi

We have the most accessible vehicles in the city, providing safety and comfort for all our passengers.

Giving Back to the Community

At Dignity Taxi, we belive in giving back to the community that we serve.


In February of this year Dignity Taxi provided service for Wheelchair Sport Manitoba. . We accepted the challenge to transport teams arriving from all over Canada from the Airport to their hotels and to and from the tournament.

During the 4 day event Dignity transported over 100 players to and from their events and transported them all back to the airport. We donated some of our time to ensure their event was a success .

Children's Wish

In March of this year we received a call from the Children's Wish Foundation asking us if we could help them with transportation for a child and their family, we gladly accepted and provided the service for the foundation.


Trip Estimator


website proudly designed and hosted by C.M. Wood Inc.